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Addendum to the manual for Moria.
Proposed contribution written by Mike Marcelais
North Carolina School of
Science And Math
1. Magic Spells
All player characters except Warriors are able to learn some form of
magic spells. There are two kinds of magic, Magic spells, which Mages,
Rogues, and Rangers get, and prayers, which Priests and Paladins have.
Each spell has a minimum level required for learning it, a mana score,
which is the mana points required to cast it, and a failure percentage.
Mana points are determined by your experience level, and the level of
your key stat. For Mages, Rogues, and Rangers, the key stat is intelligence,
for Priests and Paladins the key stat is wisdom. The effect of your key
stat is shown by the following table.
Stat Level Factor
3-7 0
8-17 1
18-18/49 3/2
18/50-18/69 2
18/70-18/89 5/2
18/90-18/99 3
18/100 4
Your Mana score is the Factor times your experience level plus 1.
If your key stat is 7 or less, your Mana score will be zero (not one)
and you will not be able to use any spells. If you attempt to cast a
spell that calls for more Mana than you have, the rate of failure is much
greater than normal, you will faint for a few turns afterward, and you stand
the chance of damaging your health.
1.1 Priest Spells
Priest spells are received from the character's deity. When the 'G'
command is issued to learn new spells, spells are chosen randomly from
the spells that you are able to cast. You need not
have the book the spell is in to learn it, because your God gave it to you,
but you do need the book to cast the spell. Failure percentages and spell
effectiveness are based on Wisdom for priests and paladins.
1.1.1 Priest spell levels and Mana
This is a table of all the spells, with the mana and level of achievement
for Priests and Paladins.
Priest Paladin
(Beginner's Handbook) Lv Mana Lv Mana
A Detect Evil 1 1 1 1
B Cure Light Wounds 1 2 2 2
C Bless 1 2 3 3
D Remove Fear 1 2 5 3
E Call Light 3 2 5 4
F Find Traps 3 3 7 5
G Detect Doors/Stairs 3 3 7 5
H Slow Poison 3 3 9 7
(Words of Wisdom)
A Blind Creature 5 4 9 7
B Portal 5 4 9 8
C Cure Medium Wounds 5 4 11 9
D Chant 5 5 11 10
E Sanctuary 7 5 11 10
F Create Food 7 5 13 10
G Remove Curse 7 6 13 11
H Resist Heat and Cold 7 7 15 13
(Chants and Blessings)
A Neutralize Poison 9 6 15 15
B Orb of Draining 9 7 17 15
C Cure Serious Wounds 9 7 17 15
D Sense Invisible 11 8 19 15
E Protection from Evil 11 8 19 15
F Earthquake 11 9 21 17
G Sense Surroundings 13 10 23 17
H Cure Critical Wounds 13 11 25 20
I Turn Undead 15 12 27 21
(Exorcisms and Dispellings)
A Prayer 15 14 29 22
B Dispel Undead 17 14 31 24
C Heal 21 16 33 28
D Dispel Evil 25 20 35 32
E Glyph of Warding 33 24 37 36
F Holy Word 39 32 39 38
1.1.2 Priest Spell Descriptions
This is a short description of each of the spells, listed alphabetically.
Bless - Improves armor class and fighting ability for a short period of time.
Blind Creature - Blinds a creature for a short period of time.
Call Light - Lights up an area.
Chant - Improves armor class and fighting ability for a medium period of time.
Create Food - Causes a food item to be dropped at your feet.
Cure Critical Wounds - Cures a very large number of hit points.
Cure Light Wounds - Cures a small number of hit points.
Cure Medium Wounds - Cures a medium number of hit points.
Cure Serious Wounds - Cures a large number of hit points.
Detect Doors/Stairs - Finds all the doors and stairs on the screen.
Detect Evil - Finds all the evil creatures on the screen.
Dispel Evil - Attempts to destroy the evil creature.
Dispel Undead - Attempts to destroy the undead creature.
Earthquake - Randomly toggles corridors into walls and vice versa.
Find Traps - Locates all the traps on the screen.
Glyph of Warding - Leaves a 'Glyph' that monsters won't pass over.
Heal - Restores 200 Hit Points.
Holy Word - Dispels evil, removes fear, cures poison, and restores 1000 HPs.
Neutralize Poison - Cures you of poison.
Orb of Draining - Offensive spell that drains levels from monsters.
Portal - Teleports you a short distance away.
Prayer - Improves armor class and fighting ability for a long period of time.
Protection from Evil - Causes evil creatures to do less damage to you.
Remove Curse - Removes {damned} objects that you are welding.
Remove Fear - Negates the fear placed on you by an enemy.
Resist Heat and Cold - Reduce damage you suffer from heat or cold attacks.
Sanctuary - Causes neighboring monsters to fall asleep for a while.
Sense Invisible - Finds all invisible creatures on the screen.
Sense Surroundings - Maps the dungeon appearing on the screen.
Slow Poison - Reduces the rate HP are lost due to poison.
Turn Undead - Attempts to cause undead creatures to flee.
1.2 Mage Spells
Mage Spells are more powerful and offensive in nature than Priest
spells. This offsets the fact that magicians are generally weaker
than any other class. Because mage spells are learned though
study, you must have the correct Magic book to learn and cast a
spell. Learning spells can be banked up. For example: You are a
second level Mage who had learned Magic Missile and can learn one
more spell. You do not wish to learn Detect Monsters, Phase Door
or Light Area. You can wait until you are third level and learn
both the Cure Light Wounds and Stinking Cloud, both third level
spells. Spell failure and effectiveness is based on intelligence
for Mages, Rangers, and Rogues. Rangers can learn all but the most
powerful offensive spell. Rogues can not learn any offensive spell.
1.2.1 Mage Spell levels and Mana
Mage Ranger Rogue
(Beginners-Magik) Lv Mana Lv Mana Lv Mana
A Magic Missile 1 1 3 1 -- --
B Detect Monsters 1 1 3 2 5 1
C Phase Door 1 2 3 2 7 2
D Light Area 1 2 5 3 9 3
E Cure Light Wounds 3 3 5 3 11 4
F Find Hidden Traps/Doors 3 3 5 4 13 5
G Stinking Cloud 3 3 7 5 -- --
(Magik I)
A Confusion 3 4 7 6 15 6
B Lightning Bolt 5 4 9 7 -- --
C Trap/Door Destruction 5 5 9 8 17 7
D Sleep I 5 5 11 8 19 8
E Cure Poison 5 5 11 9 21 9
F Teleport Self 7 6 13 10 -- --
G Remove Curse 7 6 13 11 23 10
H Frost Bolt 7 6 15 12 -- --
I Turn Stone to Mud 9 7 15 13 -- --
(Magik II)
A Create Food 9 7 17 17 25 12
B Recharge Item I 9 7 17 17 27 15
C Sleep II 9 7 21 17 -- --
D Polymorph Other 11 7 21 19 -- --
E Identify 11 7 23 25 29 18
F Sleep III 13 7 23 20 -- --
G Fire Bolt 15 9 25 20 -- --
H Slow Monster 17 9 25 21 -- --
(Mages Guide to Power)
A Frost Ball 19 12 27 21 -- --
B Recharge Item II 21 12 29 23 -- --
C Teleport Other 23 12 31 25 -- --
D Haste Self 25 12 33 25 -- --
E Fire Ball 29 18 35 25 -- --
F Word of Destruction 33 21 37 30 -- --
G Genocide 37 25 -- -- -- --
Note: Rangers don't get spells until 3'rd level, Rogues 5'th level.
1.2.2 Mage Spell Descriptions
Confusion - Confuses a monster for a short time.
Create Food - Causes a food item to be dropped at your feet.
Cure Light Wounds - Restores a small number of hit points.
Cure Poison - Neutralizes the poison running through your veins.
Detect Monsters - Displays all the monsters on the screen.
Find Hidden Traps/Doors - Locates all the secret traps and doors.
Fire Ball - Shoots a ball of flame toward a monster.
Fire Bolt - Shoots a bolt of flame toward a monster.
Frost Ball - Shoots a ball of frost toward a monster.
Frost Bolt - Shoots a bolt of frost toward a monster.
Genocide - Destroys a particular monster on the level.
Haste Self - Causes you to move faster temporarily.
Identify - Identifies an unknown object in your pack.
Light Area - Illuminates the area you are in with light.
Lightning Bolt - Shoots a bolt of lightning at your enemy.
Magic Missile - Traditional bolt of magic used to damage enemies.
Phase Door - Teleports you a short distance.
Polymorph Other - Polymorphs a monster into a different creature.
Recharge Item I and II - Recharges a staff, rod, or wand.
Remove Curse - Allows you to unwield {damned} items.
Sleep I - Causes a monster of your choosing to fall asleep.
Sleep II - Causes neighboring monsters to fall asleep.
Sleep III - Causes all monsters in range to fall asleep.
Slow Monster - Causes a monster to move slower.
Stinking Cloud - Shoots a ball of noxious vapors to do damage.
Teleport Self - Teleports you to a new place on the level.
Teleport Other - Teleports an enemy to a new place on the level.
Trap/Door Destruction - Destroys all neighboring doors and traps.
Turn Stone to Mud - Causes a wall (or other stone object) to melt.
Word of Destruction - Destroys the entire screen.
For spells that come in numbered versions (Sleep I, II, III, etc), the
higher numbers have a higher effectiveness, but greater change
of spell failure and greater Mana cost.
1.3 Using Offensive Spells Against Monsters
Monsters have a chance to save themselves from damage caused by
offensive spells, just like the player has a chanced to be saved from
damage by monster spells. This chance is greater for higher level
monsters than for lower level monsters. Also, some spells will never
work against monsters whose level is higher than the character's
experience level.
Many monsters are immune to certain kinds of attack, and will suffer little
or no damage from such attacks. For example, a fire breathing dragon will
suffer little damage from a fire ball, but will suffer greatly from a
frost ball. Also, Undead creatures will not be affected by sleep spells,
since they never sleep.